I did it!!! Top 3 Win!
I ran my first 5k for the year and the first one since I had 6 surgeries, and I did it, I am proud to day I ran the whole thing, keep pace, and placed 6th overall and 3rd in women. I will say it was a small race, about 75 runners, but a win is a win right?
My fitness Dream
I want to run a Disney 1/2 marathon, What is your dream?
I HATE my bootcamp "Buddies" and Instructor...
I am sick of feeling like an outsider, I have tried everything I can to fit in, but yet they always make me feel like I don't/ I have the biggest weight lost in our group, I feel like I always try my hardest, yet they never talk to me, or want to pair up with me when we do things in groups, ( God I feel like we are…
What kind of barefoot running shoe to get...
I have and swear by Fila Voltage skeletoes, but with my up coming tri, I need a shoe without toes... that can be worn without socks..... What do you suggest?
Triathlon transation help please!!!
Ok, I guess I have prepared myself for coming in last at my first Tri..., but I do not want it to be because of my transations.... I know alot of people skip putting on socks, but I can't because of the type of shoes I wear... Can you give me any tips on doing things fast???
The stupid thing bit me!!
I was on my morning run today almost to my driveway, when my neighbors little (maybe 4 or 5 pound) dog ran out, I ignored it as I always do, he is always running loose, when all the sudden the stupid little thing grab a hold of my ankle and would not let go.... I had to kick him off... and of course none of the neighbors…
Hello, I have been a police wife for 10 years now. Can be very stressful sometimes, and it seems all the the other wives in my department are skinny and snobby.... so not fair. now I am trying to get thinner and healthy.
Dare I TRI ???
So I am thinking about enter a short sprint tri in my local area, I am pretty sure I can do each component separately, as I have done them all before. But I am scared to enter because doing them all one after the other is going to be overwhelming, maybe... I have been doing some 5ks and this looks like a new fun…
Need new friends that won't judge my diary
ok, so it seems like most of my friends have fallen of the face of the planet... so I am in need of some supportive friends who WILL NOT judge how low my calories are. I see a nutritionist and my Dr. monthly.. i have a disease that requires the low calories in order for me to lose weight, I DON"T need people lecturing…
Very Scared!! (first 5k)
ok, its not my first 5k, its my first running the whole thing. I decided last min to do it. and I am very scared I will be the last one to cross the finish line, and that I won't be able to run the whole thing... my tummy is turning just thinking about it... I am scared I will be really slow, (which I am, I only run about…
Really??? You are supporting me???
So today I heard from a friend I hadn't heard from in about a month and she had seen my posts on facebook about going to bootcamp and working out, ( I really haven't said much more than that) and she asked how much I have lost. I told her about 18 pounds now mind you it has only been a month and that is alot of weight in a…
Do I get to Count....
Do or should I count hauling in wood, it is normally my husbands job but today he had to go to work before it was done. so today I have to do it( well if I want heat) And it is a hard job and something I don't normally do.... I kinda feel petty about wanting to count it. But its hard work!!! I worked up a sweat, my heart…
How many Calories do i need before an intense Bootcamp class
I am doing a really intense bootcamp class, and am wondering how many calories I should consume before going, the teacher said to eat not to eat any closer than 2 hours before the class, And that we need to have energy for the class, so what kinds of things and calories should I eat?
Oh my aching abs
Its a good hurt right? I know I have done something in years past I would have never done. Yesterday was my third bootcamp class, and oh boy do I feel it today. I guess this is what they mean by a love hate relationship. I love the results but hate the pain, but in a way I love the pain too. I guess I just have to keep…
Today is a reward day!!
Today I am rewarding myself for 13 days of sticking with it and 8 pounds lost!!! I know 13 days is not long but it is for me! so today I am getting my toenails done and maybe even my nails!!! I am so excited. Since starting this I have joined a bootcamp and have also worked out everyday... so I feel this is well deserved
Calories for Cleaning?? really? should I?
Just today I noticed that my "friends" were adding exercise for cleaning and things that I consider normal... So today when I cleaned I did step it up, and made it in to a workout, I did really work up a sweat. But some how adding this to my exercise seems kinda lame. Anyone have any feelings on it?