weights..where do i start
i am currently sitting at 279lbs and seemed to have come to a halt....am really considering trying weights as to be honest i am more concerned about how i look to the number on the scales.. anyways, if i start to build muscle will the fat then come off or will i be stuck with muscle covered by fat..my main thinking is if…
fat vs carbs
just wondering which is the best to reduce as when something is low fat it is usually higher in carbs (sugar) and vice-versa
the anti-saggy breast question
has any of you ladies been successful in managing to stop the girls from becoming saggy as result of weight loss...what exercises would i need to be doing? I am pretty large at present being an H cup but im scared of them getting too much smaller as i lose the weight
what should i be doing?
so far i have lost just over 11 pounds simply by watching what i eat however i realise i am going to have to do some form of exercise to tone up etc...so my question is what type of exercise should i be doing? i have fibromyalgia and so cannot do a whole lot at any one time also, so many have told me if i do weights the…
did the 30 day squat challenge work for you
as the title says really...i am losing weight but im not happy with my butt..would like a rounder firmer butt and found the 30 day challenge via google
days when you dont feel hungry
since i have started counting cals i have found there to be some days when im hungry and can satisfy my calorie allowance just fine....however i have been finding lately there are days when i just dont feel hungry whatsoever and find it difficult to satisfy my allowance does anyone else experience this...should i just eat…
mini bike
i have just ordered one of these as i can no longer afford a gym membership...has anyone used one of these..obviously i wont be relying on this as my sole means of exercise but am i right is saying any calorie expenditure is better than none
really struggling
in my first week i lost 5lbs which im overjoyed about but the last few days im finding the who calorie counting so difficult..i just feel as if i cannot be bothered...how can i get my weightloss mojo back
flabelos toning plate
does anyone know if and how i should record this as it doesnt seem like exercise....only hoping for similar results as friends have achieved
exercise in short bursts
hope someone can help me... i tire very easily due to fibromyalgia so find a full workout practically impossible....so im thinking instead of doing a full workout at one go maybe fitting it say so many squats in the morning....maybe so many kettlebell swings in afternoon and maybe a short walk somewhere in between will…