I have been trying to pinpoint what makes me bloat up like I'm 7 months pregnant, I don't eat alot of sodium, so I didn't think that was the problem as has been suggested by some. Well, I think I figured one thing out for sure today, my son in law cooked some really good fried potatoes, but he cooked them in a ton of…
I have determined my "demon" is all the coffee with cream & sugar... I heard sugar turns to fat in your body.... I don't want to give up the coffee, so I think I will try giving up the sugar and just using cream & see what happens (cant stand black coffee)
My husband is a sweetheart in so many ways, but I don't understand why he know' s I am watching my calories try's to force me to eat stuff like cookies & chips, encourages me to actually, I ran out of the room today when he tried to get me to eat one of the cookies out of the pkg he bought... I am a bit chubby, but not…
Is there a way to go & change my beginning weight? I entered it wrong when I started, I corrected it on a weigh in, but that doesn't make it show how much I've actually lost so far (4 pounds), anyone know? Thnx