Feel the Summer Burn Tuesday, May 25, 2004; Page HE03 With summer just around the corner, there are plenty of opportunities for enjoyable activities that also give your body a good workout. But before you reach for a double-dip ice cream cone in…
I want to get an eliptical machine and I was wondering what is the best one for a reasonable price. After researching it, it burns a lot more calories than my treadmill. Can anyone help me???
I am having a sharp pain in my lower abdomen when I try to do my crunches or have a bowel movement. Could I have just pulled a muscle or should I have this checked out? :huh:
Hi, I am a 26 year old mother of one handsome 4 year old boy. I have been married for 2 years and have probably put on about 40 pounds in that time frame. I always heard that you let yourself go when you get married and I guess that's true. I don't think I meant to let myself go, I just got comfortable. I have let my self…