I'm just wondering if anyone has some killer Nutribullet recipes that taste amazing. I recently purchased one and I've been making the standard half spinach-half fruits. It's all fine and yummy, but it's becoming a boring taste to me and I'd really like to try some new ideas. :bigsmile:
We all see the before and after photos. The photo of someone with their clothes on showing how much weight they've lost. I can't tell you how happy I am for those people. Yet I can't seem to be that person myself. I hadn't weighed myself in awhile - several months. My friend and I decided to try to do this weightloss goal…
I've been seeing a lot of people writing about this and I really do NOT understand what it is. I've looked it up and all I seem to understand is that it's a 25 minute workout video that you do for a month? There was a small clip online and she started doing push ups. Now, I may be younger than some of you, but let me just…
Hello! As I continue my high school years, I'm stuck on the eating part. I get up around 6:30am, get dressed, do my hair, etc. The only thing NOT added to that list is breakfast. One of THE most important things to have in your daily calorie intake. I was homeschooled for a good part of my education, so I could wake up at…