Hi all! Firstly just to start off i do not condone a liquid only diet, this is not a fast or silly diet fad! Basically I badly chipped a tooth over the weekend and unfortunately cannot see a dentist until next Monday without incurring a massive £80-100 appointment fee before i even sit down! So I'm pretty much restricted…
Hi everyone! Can anyone recommend a good ab exercise routine? The only exercises i do at the minute are crunches and the dreaded plank. Compared to all the different arm/leg routines I know, it seems a little lax! I've googled but would wanted to see if anyone has any particular favourites :) thanks in advance!xx
Hi all! I'm currently working in a office type job 9-5 mon-fri so my calories are geared up to a sedentary life style. However i also have a second job working in a shop at the weekends (I'm saving up to go travelling in March :) ) which is obviously a lot more physical. The retail job entails alot of standing and walking,…
Hi Guys :) I know the simple answer is probably - DON'T ORDER CHINESE IF YOUR ON A DIET!!!!! but my boyfriend has been planning this cosy night in with chinese, beer and the new season US Office boxset for tomorrow night. Now as its a Tuesday night i'll be able to get out of drinking beer but I really don't want to be the…