The Lemonade Diet (Master Cleanse Diet) .By Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD WebMD Expert ReviewThe Lemonade Diet: What it is The Lemonade Diet has been around for more than 50 years. Its popularity soared several years ago after Beyonce announced…
So I've been working on my weight loss goal for the past year. I've had my share of successes & disappointments but one of the most frustrating things is when you are doing everything right but not making any progress. I had been steadily losing weight from Jan-July of this year but then felt like I hit a wall in August. I…
Is there anyone else on here who struggles with anxiety? It's been an ongoing problem for me over the last couple years & lately it's been unbearable. November was overall a bad month for me & I'm glad it's over! I get stuck in this cycle of not being able to relax, always feeling on edge, & obsessing over whatever I'm…
What is your favorite exercise class you have been to or program you have tried? If you are in the Cincinnati area, Cardio Dance Party is a lot of fun! It is a great workout (I usually burn 700+ calories in an hour), you just have to not be worried about looking like an idiot LOL. I started going with a group of people…