lc52820 Member


  • Wow, who would've thought the topic of breakfast would create such a stir :tongue: Personally, I'm starving in the morning. Breakfast helps me wake up, gives me energy, & puts me in a better mood (which is better for all of my co-workers LOL). If I get hungry between meals, I snack on something healthy (fruit, veggies,…
  • LOL :happy:
  • LOL this could be a factor. I get cranky when I'm hungry.
  • As far as my personal weight loss goes, tough love has gotten me a lot farther than people trying to spare my feelings. Sometimes I need someone to kick my butt a little bit.
  • I haven't had that happen but it sucks when my friends post their pregnancy pics on FB and my non-pregnant belly is bigger than their cute little "baby bump" :tongue: My moment of awakening was when I had to get a health screening as part of signing up for my health insurance & according to my BMI, I was officially in the…
  • "You must be here to fix the cable." "Lord. You can imagine where it goes from here." "He fixes the cable?" "Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey."
  • Best of luck to you! I need to get back with it again now that the holidays are over. I have a 10k that I'm about to start training for so I'm using that as my motivation :smile:
  • I've heard that was a good one too, I'll have to try it. I'm all for adding more veggies to a recipe to make it more filling.
  • 1. Non-fat Greek yogurt in place of heavy cream or sour cream in recipes. 2. Egg Beaters in place of real eggs. 3. Canadian bacon instead of sausage on breakfast sandwiches.
  • It is frustrating when you want to lose more quickly but trust me, those baby steps will add up in the long run! My weight loss has over all been rather slow but what I've been able to keep off what I've lost. Best of luck to you! Feel free to friend me for support.
  • Something you may also want to consider is taking measurements every few weeks or so...there is a place on MFP to record them. There are times where I wasn't losing weight but I was losing inches which is encouraging when you feel like you're in a bit of a slump :smile:
  • That sounds like a question better answered by a doctor.
  • Yes, exactly! I'm skeptical whenever anyone talks about getting rid of the "toxins" as a weight loss method. A previous co-worker of mine wholeheartedly believes in doing a "cleanse" regularly & basically it sounds like it just gives you the runs for a few days. The only weight loss that results in is water weight...I fail…
  • Great tips, those are helpful! I'm about to start training for a 10k that I'm running in March & I'm thinking if I do well at it, there is a half marathon coming up in May that I may take a stab at.
  • May of this year is when I first took up running & I could not run to save my life LOL. Couch to 5k helped me reach my goal & now I'm planning on working up to a 10k.
  • Personally, having friends who are supporting me & keeping me accountable has been so important to finding success! I would strongly encourage you to find friends and/or co-workers who are also trying to get healthy & work together at it. For the past year I've been part of a fitness challenge at work and we're getting…
  • Good for you! I'm not quite ready for a half marathon just yet but this year I started running and worked my way up to a 5k. I've got a 10k picked out in March that I want to run and I found a good 8 week plan to prepare for it. Being able to set a goal & reach it was such a good feeling! Couch to 5k is the program I…
  • Support & accountability from friends with the same goals!
  • Same for me...I'm trying to focus on long term maintenance even as I'm still working on losing weight. For me, it's unrealistic to say that there are certain foods I will completely cut out and never eat again because I love food LOL. I want to work on an eating plan that I can stick with for life. I focus on moderation,…
  • Me too...I was curious to see what would happen since I was about 36C prior to weight gain and right now I'm up to 40D. I was kinda hoping to at least go down to a size that's more common & easier to find when shopping for bras.
  • I'm a fan of Lara Bars...I usually eat one an hour before I exercise and I feel like it gives me an extra boost of energy. They are mostly made of dates which are a good source of natural energy.
  • I've been on Nuvaring for 5 years now and no complaints except I wish my insurance covered more of it :smile: I did start to put on weight around the time I started it but I think that was more a result of not enough exercise and poor eating habits. I like the convenience of not having to take a pill on a daily basis since…
  • Personally I'd have a hard time giving up bread & pasta :ohwell: On the other hand, limiting your carbs could give you a boost if that's what you're looking for. I know someone on a low-carb diet which is a result of being borderline diabetic, however they have seen significant weight loss over the past several months. I…
  • I'm not going to the premiere but I'm planning on trying to catch a Friday matinee :happy:
  • Agreed! Drinking lots of water definitely helps. The Hungry Girl site recommends starting meals with broth-based soups to help fill you up. Also, eating complex carbs/whole grains will help you feel fuller for longer.
  • Feel free to add me if you're looking for more friends :happy:
  • This week I've been feeling a bit under the weather so I haven't had much of an appetite. However, it's still good to make yourself eat something so you'll have energy. Even if it's just a bowl of cereal or an apple or something.
  • Lots of water, fruits, & veggies! :smile: I've also been on a soup kick lately since the weather has been getting cooler. The more I can plan meals out ahead of time, the more likely I am to stay on track and not impulsively eat something unhealthy.
  • You really shouldn't go under 1200 calories a day or you're not going to be getting sufficient nutrition. Use MFP's guide to setting goals to help you figure out how many calories you should have as your daily goal. Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits & veggies. Also sometimes it's just going to be…
  • I cannot say enough good things about Couch to 5k, it totally works! If you're worried about motivation, find someone to do the program with you, that will give you some accountability. It helps tremendously & so does listening to music! Sometimes I feel more motivated than others but usually once I've changed into my…