So I'bow weigh around 40.6kg but Im not happy with what I see in the mirror :( I still have a tummy and I don't know what to do. I go to the gym four times a week. I walk to the gym which is a 30minute walk and then I do my abs and some light weights for my arms. I then use the Elliptical Trainer( on strength program) for…
Can anyone help me please. How does the Pie chart work on the mobile device? If it says carbs 59/55, 24/30 fat and 18/15 for.protein. Does it.mean im over the. Carb intake for the daY. Please help Thank you
So I've hit the gym four times a week. I do at least 40 minutes cardo and the rest weights. I weighed myself last week Saturday i was 43kg and now Im 43.6kg. Its got me pretty down. I keep hearing ive lost weight but I dont see it on the scales. I spoke to my gym instructor and they said its cause Im doing more weights and…