I am having a hard time finding healthy snacks and food for a family of four on a budget. Most weeks I only have around 100 dollars to pay for a full weeks worth of food. if anyone has any advice I greatly appreciate it.
I was wondering how soon after I eat should I exercise? I normally feel sick for like 30 minutes or so after I eat but I am afraid if I wait to long I just won't exercise at all.
I have done the whole dieting thing more than I can imagine and now I have almost put all of my weight back on. I am now 309 lbs at 6'1" and when I try to exercise my joints and bones ache the whole time. I just really don't know where to start now. I am only 23 years old and I shouldn't feel so tired all the time. I have…
I was wondering what was some good snack ideas that are cheap and easy to make. Thanks for you help in advance!