I was at my Neuro for a check up for my sleep apnea. I happened to mention my "sinus" headaches were worse and causing me to lose days of work (they are triggered by storms). He questioned me and said that they were migraines, not sinus headaches. He put me on Topamax and said that a side effect could be loss of appetite.…
Quote: "I'm not losing weight, I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it again."
Just heard about Gym-Pact on the Today's show. You pay like $.50 to $.75 a week and if you show up to exercise wherever you go, you get paid back. If not, the money goes to other people who did exercise. I am going to check it out. Nothing like money for motivation!
1 roast (rump, etc.) 1 pkg dry fat-free brown gravy 1 pkg dry Italian salad dressing 1 pkg dry original Hidden Valley Ranch dressing 1 1/2 cups water Mix water and dry mixes together. Pour over roast in roasting pan or crock pot. Cook until roast is done. (350° in oven, or low in crock pot) This makes the best gravy ever.