Goals just don't seem to be enough...
Started at 87kgs and set myself a realistic (ish) target of 70kgs, I'm now at 73kgs, just a fraction from my target and I already know it isn't going to be enough... I've readjusted into 65kgs and even that, oy 8kgs away doesn't seem enough now I'm in the swing of things... Did anyone else have this problem coming up to…
NSV- small, but amazing
Partner cuddled up to me in bed last night and said "oh no, you're disappearing" felt amazing!!!! Love hearing everyone's nsv's.... Makes me realise the proof is in the proverbial pudding! Not always the scales aNd measurements!
Blip and or Plateau
Started to "diet" in Aug 2012, was more of a health kick really. Lost 22 lbs very quickly by just kicking crappy foods out of my every day diet, I was a complete binge eater and a chocolate monster!! Started the gym in January, as I also wanted to feel healthy... Since joking the gym I've been stuck at 75kgs. I'm feeling a…
Plateaued :(
I started to diet back in August, it wasn't particularly healthy and was probably more starvation than anything, started at 84kgs and am now 75kgs... Lifestyle has completely changed since, as has my mindset. I'm now a regular in the gym 6 days a week, eat a good balanced diet of about 1200 per day. Since mid January I'm…
I may be being stupid...
But what does NVS stand for?! I get the theme of a good achievement... But what's it mean? Lol