Blip and or Plateau

Started to "diet" in Aug 2012, was more of a health kick really. Lost 22 lbs very quickly by just kicking crappy foods out of my every day diet, I was a complete binge eater and a chocolate monster!!
Started the gym in January, as I also wanted to feel healthy... Since joking the gym I've been stuck at 75kgs. I'm feeling a bit hopeless. I think the biggest difficulty I face is that people keep telling me that I won't see the progress in the scale for a little while when adding in exercise... I posted before about plateauing. I guess I'm clinging on to the 22 already gone, my hips measure 41inches, waist is 32inches and breasts are 37, and it's been like this for months. I need some positivity, or success stories... Something else to get me back on track and get me
Logging routinely again... I'm 5'7! Thanks!


  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    DID u figure your TDEE?? If you are still eating the same cals as u were before u started working out that may be the problem.... U may need to eat more...stick to it and make little tweaks here and there and give it a few weeks...I was stuck at the same weight for 5 mths...I sat down and figured up what i was eating a day (12-1500cal)...I then re-evaluated things and relized i should be eating around 1800-2000 according to my tdee calculations....and Ive been losing 1-3/week...