Recently I've been trying to get back into running/doing yoga/working out, and numerous people, namely my boyfriend, keep telling me to stop. As in "Why do you want to spend your time doing that instead of hanging out" etc etc. It just makes it hard to want to workout after work/class when there's people making me feel…
So I use to use this site religiously and I was working out and looked great. Now I've let school, work, and a string of bad habits leave me lazier and just overall gross feeling. Most all my mfp friends are inactive at this point, so I'd love to hop into a new support system! First I want to focus on binge eating and my…
so last night I signed up for a 10k that's 2 months away, but the farthest I've ever run is 4 miles (and that was yesterday). Normally I run 6 days a week for 3-3.5 miles. I was wondering if it's even possible to be able to boost up my distance in time. I'm not aiming for a good time(completion time, i do plan on having…
Alright so I'm relatively new to mfp and finally got my first friend yesterday, making me realize I want more... But I would like friends that are not completely random or I would like to know some random facts about you--just to make this all more fun. So about me (see if we have anything in common =D) I'm Jennifer, 18,…