Hey, guys! I know this forum is for people losing weight, but I figured I'd use this side of the message board to ask if there is anyone here who speaks Russian and would like to converse with me. I'm majoring in Russian in college, graduating in December, and would love to increase my conversational proficiency. We can…
My reasoning for writing tonight was based on a Facebook status a friend made. She's on her way back from Russia, where she was there for eleven days volunteering with the organization we help with, Russian Orphan Aid. It was a trip I was supposed to make, but financial issues arose and I couldn't afford the expenses.…
Hey, everyone! I don't post a lot - I mainly use the app for my calorie counting - but I need some help here. I need to go on a low acid diet. I have gastritis right now, and I noticed that a lot of my foods have some acidic content. It isn't helping me; in fact, I'm having quite a bit of stomach issues and I have a…
Hi, all! Well, I'm new to this group - just joined today - and I have a question for ya'll. So, my boyfriend and I are trying our best to eat well for different reasons. Both of us want to lose weight, but he also has diabetes (just diagnosed last year, looong story). We figured out we can live on about $60-$70 worth of…