Hi! Here's the 'skinny' (ugh!): I teach first grade. I also run a literacy program. I am 40 pounds too heavy to be happy with myself. So, here's my plan: Actually STICK to exercising 30 minutes, 3 times a week, no matter what, and no matter how exhausted I am. Actually STICK to eating healthy, planned out meals to meet my…
Hi everyone, I started the thirty day shred by Jillian Michaels and it absolutely kicked my butt! It was great! The next day I am sore but I feel the impact of the workout. Do you think it is enough to just do those 20 minutes a day to see results? It seems sort of pie-in-the-sky to me, to only do 20, but I am exhausted…
Hi everyone! I am looking for some friends who share some similarities with me. I just got married on July 26! I am 27 and need to lose about 40 pounds. I teach, which makes time scarce and temptations plentiful. Hope to meet some friends to chat and for encouragement! :)