EDIT: Sorry for the long post, i wrote it out and pressed send without looking it over. 0_0 Im 30 years old, and have been battling my weight since I was a teen. My brother has told me many times that I wasted my youth, and I feel like i missed out doing a lot of things in life. Guys have never noticed me, and I am just…
I have gained and lost weight so many times that there are moments where i wonder if its worth trying anymore. The last time i lost 100 lbs, by calorie counting, and exercising too much (2 hours a day, 6 days a week). I wouldnt eat anything unless i could figure out its calorie content. I guess because of my OCD this made…
3 years ago i lost 100 lbs by calorie counting, and overly exercising (2 hours per day, 6 days a week). i got overeating issues and gained the weight back. Even worse, i damaged my gallbladder. i had pain for a year, until the pain got so intense i went to the ER only to find my pancreas was inflamed, so they had to remove…
im a 27 old woman i have gained and lost weight so many times since i was a teen. im actually studying to be a dietitian, but im seriously doubting my career choice right now. my last effort was 2 years ago, i lower my calories to a healthy amount, i exercise (i did overdoit a bit) i ate healthier versions of things i…