How do you keep the weight off long term?

I have gained and lost weight so many times that there are moments where i wonder if its worth trying anymore. The last time i lost 100 lbs, by calorie counting, and exercising too much (2 hours a day, 6 days a week). I wouldnt eat anything unless i could figure out its calorie content. I guess because of my OCD this made me become obsessive with what i ate, and when i loosened the reigns during a vacation it opened the floodgates to overeating.

Ive always had issues with overeating, but it got so bad that i would eat until i was in pain and nauseous, i would eat even if it wasnt something i desired. i ended up gaining the weight back, and then some. The overeating and the dieting damaged my gallbladder.

So here i am, overweight again, minus my gallbladder. Which was pretty terrifying as it was my first operation. it made me wonder what was next, will i lose another organ, or get diabetes? And yet, im still eating unhealthy, i just dont get it. =(

I am trying, i started juicing to help with my gallbladder issues and i still keep it up. i also gave up fast food, which was HUGE for me. As i would go for breakfast and lunch. 0_0

But i cant stop my overeating habits, it doesnt matter what kind of food it is, or if i keep busy. i dont overeat until im in pain anymore, but i am eating too much as im not losing weight.

how do i deal with this? is longterm weightloss possible? i just want to feel like im not stuck in a losing batter, that there is a purpose to try harder everyday to be a little bit healthier.

any advice would be appreciated.


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I really really really think counseling would be the best thing you could do for yourself, from the sound of it.

    I don't have experience with this exact issue. I have been obese for 20+ years but this is the only time I have ever made a big effort to lose weight, HOWEVER I have had counseling/therapy for my generalized anxiety disorder which really helped me in *ALL* areas of my life including health & fitness and my relationship with food...though for me that wasn't the focus.

    I know some people believe therapy/counseling is kind of a joke but I really and truly think it is a wonderful tool and it might just take a few attempts with different providers to find the right fit. FTR I am talking about "talk therapy" NOT MEDICATION-BASED TREATMENT. I don't think there is anything inherently bad about Rx meds for mental and emotional disorders, but I believe talk therapy is underused.

    I truly do wish you the best but it truly seems that counseling is the BEST option, from everything I've witnessed with those in similar situations to your own. There is usually an underlying reason (or reasons) behind the self-sabotage and problems with food in general. Of course a lot of this is just anecdotal...but I know more than six women "irl" who have even had weight loss surgery and regained all of the weight, and continue to struggle...and those who have had counseling to address the psychological and emotional aspects have had the most long term success.
  • mickey9694
    mickey9694 Posts: 74 Member
    Long-term weight loss is totally possible. I was in ketosis for a few months before reaching my goal weight and going back on carbs. Didn't gain a pound of it back. Now that I'm back in ketosis, I'm dropping weight but will allow myself a cheat day once in a while, about twice a month. My weight loss stalls but none of the weight comes back, and after a day I'm back in ketosis. When I reach my new goal weight, I imagine I'll stay at that weight