I find frozen foods very helpful with my busy schedule. I often feel guilty about them not being healthy I recently Discovered Amy's Brand and was very pleasantly Surpirsed. So if your feeling guilty or need good for you quick and easy food to eat I would encourage you to try it. I can say every one I have tried so far has…
http://www.diabetes.org/mfa-recipes/log-in/recipes-for-healthy-living.html?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Post&utm_content=022812-RFHL&utm_campaign=MFA I believe you can sign up to get a news letter
Visit http://mrspleasant.net/ My friends site is full of great healthy ideas and resources Enjoy!
I wish I had seen something like this when I didn't have insurance I never would have thought to look it up. I came across this link on Face Book it's a link to a research study site. Free meds, care and advice please share with anyone who could benefit from it. http://www.mydiabetesoptions.com/?p=8778626077
Still learning to use everything. I would love to add more friends. I am having a good time getting healthy woudl love to share tips and sucesses with others. I'm especially interested if you are also dealing with Diabetes I have tons to share. I am a single mother of one 9year old little girl. I don't know how much or how…