im sure this has been posted if so sorry anyway what are some good foods to eat before a run and what helps with recovery after thanks for any advise
after years of struggling went to a doctor was put on a program lost 52lbs which not complaining in a very short time. i did gain 15 over the holidays. was just to strict of a diet so i cut myself some slack and got lazy. so now i found this site and started focusing again on my diet lost 5 so far but just can seem to get…
anyone have any ideas or recipes for both canned and fresh salmon
hello new to the site hoping this site and help from others will give me the push i need to my goal. my diet or what i consider more of a lifestyle change started last year. at 252 lbs which not only a health risk but due to my job and military affiliation i was at risk of losing my job and 2 incomes. so my sister refered…