For all you Zombie Fans
Here's something for you to munch on! http://www.stupid.com/Zombie-Jerky_p_2353.html
Losing weight, but shape still bothersome
I'm not sure if I'm posting this question to the correct forum, but here it goes anyway. I've lost 20 pounds, and I still have about 20 to go to be at my goal weight. Current stats: 5'2", 147 lbs, approximate size 10/12 (I've got hips and a booty). My problem is that even though my weight is going down, I'm still not happy…
A Website to Help When Eating Out
I found this website today that may be helpful. You can choose restaurants based on your area and it will tell you what kind of healthy options there are. The website is www.healthydiningfinder.com
Help me find a Heart Rate Monitor
I'd like to get something in the $20-$30 range that is accurate. It doesn't have to have all sorts of fancy stuff on it... just need to know how many calories I am actually burning while working out.
Is it possible to get rid of Cellulite?
The yo-yo dieting has left my body looking like a hail storm pelted it... it makes me want to cry just looking in the mirror. I'm just wondering if exercising and eating healthier will also help get rid of the cellulite, or am I stuck with it no matter how much I weigh?
How do you???
Post a pic on a thread? I have no idea how to do this!
Brazil Butt Lift
On a night fraught with insomnia, I saw an infomercial for the Brazil Butt Lift workout series. So, what any sleep-deprived person would do, I bought it. Has anyone else bought this and used it? If so, is it easy to use, and have you seen good results from it? Any tips? Do you enjoy it?