Hey looking for a group or partner to keep me accountable for working out in Sept. I find it a lot easier to keep on track if I have to explain to someone why I didn't get off my butt. Didn't know what kind of groups or challenges were going on each month. I know soon (I hope) I'll just feel better when I workout regularly…
OH wow.. I've been telling myself that "eventually" I need to add exercise to get this show on the road. Got the Biggest Loser Workout (with Bob) from the library and did it tonight..... OH man was it hard... lol, I guess saying that shows how out of shape I am cuz I can know that it really wasn't that hard. Not compared…
Recently I was told I should be taking a Vitamin D supplement. Talking with some people at work and they take a lot more supplements. I know I was Vit D deficient, so what else does everybody take and why???
Hey, I'm new to the site... lol, which is why I'm here introducing myself. I've decided that loosing weight for others isn't really motivational enough to me. I've decided to be selfish, loosing weight is for me. So that I can be healthy, live life to the fullest that I can, stop being out of breath just walking up steps,…