My back appears to be getting broader
Hi all I have been using the equipment at the gym. I am getting some nice results with my arms and core. Although my waist appears alot smaller I appear to be more broad in the shoulders and on my back. Not what I was going for lol. I have been doing lat pull downs and rows the pull downs I do around 70 pounds and the rows…
Any women out there on progestrone? I have been delaying starting the drug. I used it about 5 years ago and noticed that even eating clean and working out both cardio and weights I could not drop any weight. Hate to go through that again. Anyone else have a similar experience
What do YOU do to stop a binge BEFORE it happens
I do not mean to presume but I have found that a large number of people who continuously diet and are overweight have a tendency to binge. I am one of them. I work so hard during the week make great progress then gain it all back and then some on the weekend. Any tricks out there to help me the next time a binge is…
How do you change your calorie count
Hi guys, quick question. I have started going to a trainer and she has said that my intake should be a minimum of 1400. Currently MFP has me at 1200. I know there is a way to customize that but cannot find it on the site. Can someone assist? Thanks
How do you feel AFTER a binge
I thought maybe if we posted somewhere how we feel after a binge it may help those of us who seem to have difficulty getting that under control. For some reason when we get derailed some of us go nuts with food and then feel terrible after. I thought maybe if there was a thread on this board it may help. So here goes;…
Question to any trainers out there
Quick questions please; I am a 55 year old woman who uses testostrone cream as part of hormone replacement. How will this effect me when I lift weights? I know most women cannot bulk up because our testostrone levels are lower but with the cream mine are actually on the high side for a woman. Didn't really know who else to…
Hi, I have done TF before never followed the schedule but did all of the Fire classes. Anyway I had gotten great results and then ofcourse stopped because I am basically a lazy person. I noticed that I have been going to the gym for 2 months and the results I have gotten are about the same I got at the 3 week mark of tubo…
Someone posted an eggroll wrapper recipe with chicken and sp
Hi I found this recipe and now lost it. I know it was posted just this past Friday. It had an eggroll wrapper, chicken, spinach and cheese, can someone please repost it. Thanks so much