Off to a wedding today...
I'm going to a wedding today and I'm nervous about not making good choices. Dessert tables are my crutch! Ahhhh
New Mom!!
I have an almost 8 week old daughter and I'm determined to not only loose the last 10 lbs from my pregnancy but the 10 additional pounds I wanted to loose before that! Ha ha! I never wanted to be supermodel skinny (my hubby would hate that too) but I could do without the baby belly and love handles! Hi everyone, especially…
Bikram Yoga
I have been doing hot Bikram yoga for about 5 years. When I first started I lost 15 lbs without really changing anything else (except it made me not crave junk as much I guess). Unfortunately with my new 8 weekmold daughter I cannot go as often as I was, but I'd thought I'd share how wonderful it was with other people. Or…