Do you resemble a Superhero? Would you like to?
A post in another thread inspired me to ask this question. Do you already resemble a superhero? Who is he/she? Is a certain superhero physique you are aspiring to emulate. Points if you can post a pic. I suspect quite a few Flash, Hulk, Spider Woman, Wonder Woman, and Power Girl look alikes and would like to look alikes.…
Weight Loss Surgery and Steroids?
A few days ago my wife and I were having a conversation about "views" on weight loss surgery and steroids. I'd love to hear/read some other opinions on the subject. For the record I've always believed weight loss surgery is a shortcut considering nutrition and exercise can secure a healthier overall weight loss option. Yes…
Need help for a receipe I'm attempting to create
Cheerfully when I'm in town every other week from business travel I conduct a majority of the cooking for my wife and 3 girls. Because I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS (I really do love them A LOT) I've attempted to create a Cheeseburger soup. As a base for the soup I used this http://www.walmart.com/ip/Cugino-s-230503/17338747…
Broscience versus REAL SCIENCE
Until posting here in the forums beginning 2 - 3 weeks ago I had no idea I was following "broscience" for years. I began reading Muscle and Fitness in middle school, Men's Health and Men's Fitness 5 years ago. I played organized sports throughout middle school (basketball), high school (basketball, football, and…
Guys what body type on women do you prefer?
Gentlemen (obviously ladies welcome in this thread), the ladies have posted a thread in the forums regarding the body type women prefer on men and find the most attractive. I believe it is in Fitness and Exercise. I feel it's more appropriate to pose that type of question here. You should read the thread there, it's VERY…