What to get as a thank you gift?
A friend of mine has been really brilliant at supporting me recently, with keeping me away from naughty treats and kicking my butt to the gym when motivation is low and listening to my personal problems. I'd really like to get her a small gift/token to say thank you and show her I appreciate her and her support. Normally…
Weekend Challenge # 18 - Burn 1200 calories!
Weekend challenge time! The weather is getting warmer so we should all be feeling an extra burst of energy! This weekend I challenge you all to have done at least 1200 cals of exercise, no slacking off just because its a weekend - and an extra long one for those of us in the UK.
Weekend challenge stats thread
Hi all, I thought it might be interesting to collect together the calorie burns from the weekend challenges, so we can see how many cals we burn as a group and individually as weeks go on. Unfortunately the forums doesn't allow me to add tables without it being really messy, so I've put our spreadsheet here:…
Week 7 challenge
Ok guys, lets knock it out this weekend! Burn 1000 cals over Saturday and Sunday. For a bonus, try doing and exercise you've not done before or you struggle with. Remember to post your total on Sunday night!
MAke my own c25K?
Does anyone know of an app where I can have my own music for the walking/running sets? I am using the NHS podcasts and the music they use is dire. I would rather have my own music and just the voice telling when its time to walk and when its time to run. Thanks
Help please: How to reduce sodium in curry
Hi, My favourite meal is a home made chinese chicken curry, using a curry paste which I buy from Wing Yip. Unfortunately the sodium per serving is quite huge at 890mg. I can't find another curry paste which gives me the flavour that i love, so I have now been having this only sparingly. But i love it - its quick and easy…