The last three months have been a real success for me -- I've managed to find the right caloric intake to lose an average of just over one pound per week, and I'm not struggling with hunger or fatigue (both of which often lead to binging for me). I've also made regular exercise a habit. I'm feeling pretty good about myself…
So I did a little impromptu scientific research today and am here to share the results with you, my compatriots: contrary to what you may want to believe, consuming massive quantities of coconut milk ice cream immediately before going the gym does not, in fact, give you lifting superpowers. Studies have shown (well, really…
Let me start by saying that I love lifting. Love it. Love what it’s done for me both physically and mentally over the last six months, but beyond that, I love not just the effects of it, but the actual physical act of lifting. But I didn’t love it today. It should have been a great workout—it was a lazy Sunday morning and…