I'm getting so tired ALREADY of people saying i've lost too much weight. When i started back in Novemeber my co-workers were interested and supportive, i was asked everyday what i was doing and told it was all so great. 36 pounds later i still have so much i feel is important to work on, its exhausting to try to explain…
Have only read the beginning so far but i can tell this is going to be good useful information for health concious individuals like us. Found this on Primal Blueprint forums. http://jackkruse.com/the-quilthow-to-beat-agin/ Anyone else into the Quilt??
Hello all! I have recently decided to fallow in the footsteps of my father and adopt a primal lifestyle.( Similar to a Paleolithic, caveman or hunter-gatherer diet). Its basically really simple. I only eat foods that the human race has evolved on over the past 2.5 million years. This limits a lot of our popular and…