Hi all! I'm on stage 1 WO 5A and i'm loving it so far. I'm just wondering what kind of other exercise you do besides NROLFW? I remember something in the book about doing HIIT but can't remember if it should be before or after lifting. I'm thinking after but unsure. Also, i'm not sure how long I should do HIIT for? Thanks!!
Is there an app that can be used to track NROL4W workouts? I know some people have said that they use pen & paper to write down how much they do on each set. I'm wondering if you then enter it into a spreadsheet once you get home or how do you track how much you are lifting? I would like to be able to take my ipad to the…
Hi all! I just got the book and i'm about 1/2 way through reading it. I'm planning on starting in a couple days. I'm really liking the book so far but i'm wondering if it's ok for me to lift alone. I don't have anyone to lift with and it's kind of intimidating doing this on my own but I think I will like it once I get…
Hi all! I just tried putting my vanilla protein powder in my hot cocoa (Keurig 6 oz k-cup cafe escapes hot chocolate) and it was delicious!! It tasted like a french vanilla cappuccino. What do you mix your protein powder with? I’ve tried mixing it with water and skim milk but it makes me gag every time. With hot chocolate…
I have serious mommy guilt lately. I feel terrible every time I leave the house and my son (just turned 2). I work M-F 8-4 and I try and do classes late in the evening so that he is going to bed shortly after I have to leave for class. Currently I take classes at the gym Monday-Thursday and Saturday mornings. We swim as a…
Hi all! I’ve been on here logging food and exercise for just over 3 weeks now. I’m currently 167 & 5’2”. I would like to lose around 30 pounds. I have only lost a few pounds so far and I’m getting a little discouraged. The only thing that’s keeping me going is I’m determined to lose the weight the healthy way this time.…