I sprained my ankle this past weekend, so I can't put full weight on it. This limits the exercises I can do right now. I plan on doing more floor exercises like crunches, leg lifts, etc...and weights while sitting on a ball. I also plan on continuing the aquatic sculpt classes on Monday's and Wednesdays just to keep in…
Hey I'm interesting doing either a juice fast or cleansing diet (for lack of a better term) and want to know if any one has done one, what one and how did it help you out? Thanks.
This is my second time losing the weight. Growing up I was always skinny and underweight. That chanced at about 23years old...I'm out of college, working (where I sit a lot of the time), eat the same amount and don't exercise as much. I did join NY Sports Club, and loved it , but when winter came it was no longer as much…