Ok this might be a stupid question but I'm really confused. So I've been eating eggs for a while now as they are an obvious good source of protein, but recently I've looked into the difference between raw, boiled and fried eggs. As it turns out they have really different nutrient values. Isn't an egg just an egg? So now…
Well this morning I did chest & back exercises with bands. That is, untill the band came loose and slingshotted itself into my face and hand. Now I look like someone beat me up with some nice markings under my eye and nose. Also 2 fingers on my right hand are swollen. Luckily it doesn't really hurt. Only my hand is a…
I found this video that shows different kinds of food up to 2.000 calories. It's only 2 minutes long but it might be good for people just starting out to get a feel for awereness on calories. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgaqwFPU7cc Also check out this page: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-200-calories-look-like.htm…