I recently decided to start commuting to work via bike. (I figured it'd be good on my wallet and waistline!) You bikers out there, are there any essentials I should pick up to make it a little easier/more comfortable? Especially in these hot summer months...I feel like I look like a hot mess when I get to work...
I recently discovered it, and I love it! I know it's an acquired taste, but I love it as a lighter source of protein to salads/sandwiches. Last night I added some teriyaki marinated tofu to our stir fry and it was great! Anyone have any other recipes using this??
Hi all I just bought a resistance band (20 lb. resistance) and was wondering what other workouts I can do with them besides just arms? Obviously I want to tone up my arms for summer, but my inner thighs regrettably need a little work as well. I love it, it's space-saving and cheap :tongue: , and I can switch it out when I…
I am 5'5", 28 y/o and want to lose around 15-20. I am in the middle of the wedding circuit and don't want to be the only one all the time who's gained weight since me and my friends were all last together. (Which seems to be the case more and more every time I see them! Two more weddings with the same people coming up this…