Maybe I've missed it.... Are there any weightloss contests in Oregon?
Hi! I don't get on here much, but wanted to share what's been going on with me so that I feel more accountable. I started seeing a counselor last month. The main focus is on my bingeing and the things in my life that trigger it. Since seeing my counselor last Wednesday, I have not been logging my food. She thought that I…
FINALLY.... the question that has practically torn the universe apart, has been answered. Why has no one ever told me that Nintendo possessed such wisdom? We can no longer remain blind to the cold hard facts!
I have the large red George Forman grill.... I don't like how the frozen Costco chicken boobs turn out on it. So I assume I'm doing something wrong..... Please edumacate me! How high? How long? What other tips do ya have??? Let's hear it people!