I have been looking into doing a body cleanse. I think it would be a good thing to do to get back on track with my weight loss. I seem to be doing the classic Yo-Yo effect with thankfully only 10 pounds but it has definitely brought me down. I looked into the master cleanse but my concerns are if it tastes as bad as the…
Okay, a couple of things: A: does anyone have any tips on controlling sweets? Because I had a relapse and ate an entire box of snickerdoodles. B, anyone interested in doing the St. Patrick's Day Dash in seattle this year? I know its coming up and I cant run it but I think just for the walk would be worth the experience. C:…
Thanks for your interest, support, commitment, joining and much more. I feel like with the support of others I can take on the world, my weight is something I don't have support on, only constant negativity. I want a way to get positive reinforcement and support. I hope that by starting this group everyone can take…