So before I get going here I'd like to point out that I'm neither for or against the gastric bypass, I simple don't feel as though it is for me. My problem is simple: I'm from a family of bad eaters. By this I mean; my dad doesn't eat a wide variety of foods, my brother has been stuck on a high carb/sugar/fat diet for as…
This year's been a tough one. I'm not going to give a sob story or lots of excuses, I've just not been focused. I've lost weight, gained a little, lost a couple, gained a few more. A couple of weeks a go I performed for a competition. It's this video that makes me realise how wide I am.…
I've become a little obsessed lately. I see people here who've lost 100-200+lbs and who have amazing pictures to prove their victories, but I'm scared that as I lose weight I'll have lots of loose skin. But! I notice that a lot of people with huge losses don't have lots of loose skin. I'm confused! What are you doing to…
I recently posted about my fear of getting lots of loose skin during my journey to lose 50-60lbs. The vast majority of people have said that water, exercising and weights are key. I drink plenty of water, exercise but although I do weights, I'm not sure I'm doing what I need to in order to avoid this loose skin. What are…