I am supposed to eat 2146 healthy calories?...
Ok, so I am going to try to eat more to weigh less while lifting and am sorting out my tdee (2683) and bmr (1731) and minus 20% which leaves me eating 2146 a day which is all good. However, when I am trying to sort out a day's food in really healthy ingredients and it is actually quite a lot of food if I am giving up…
Heavy lifting ladies, a moment please?
Hiya, I have recently started lifting heavy and I have now progressed far enough to have joined a gym and gotten myself a trainer. I have only had 2 sessions with him but I have a couple of questions for the women who lift as even my trainer has only sporatically trained women and he says they mostly want to do cardio…
help with macros please
Hiya, I am trying to set up my macros to increase my protein and fat and am not sure of something. I have put in the 40% protein 30% carb and 30% fat with my calories per day at 1400 so I can lose 1.5 a week but that works out to 140g of protein per day. Is that too much? I have an initial goal weight of 180 but will…
PMT and Easter Chocolate do NOT go well together....
I have a really f***ed up relationship to food, I have eaten so much chocolate today and I have already had to exercise off over 900 calories to make up for it and I am still over my calorie goal by 156 calories....I am so disappointed in myself!! Hopefully tomorrow morning will bring sanity (as there is no more chocolate…
How important is it to track fat/carb/protein accurately?
I am mostly concerned with how this will effect the speed of my weight loss? Up until now I have not paid any attention to these things at all and I have been losing but am wondering if I can do better if I am more careful. I do work out with weights about 3-4 times a week but as I am trying to lose weight and maintain the…
looking for new friends who are losing 100+ lbs
Hiya, I am really looking for some new friends on MFP who are trying to eat healthily and exercise and who are trying to or succeeding in losing the weight. I am struggling to stay committed when I don't see the scale moving instead of just being more careful about my logging and pushing harder in my exercise. I can't give…
Should I lift weights too???
Hiya, ok this is perhaps a silly question but I am a bit confused. I am trying to lose over 100lbs and one of my biggest priorities is to be fit and healthy. I try to do my cardio workouts every day so brisk walk with jogging here and there when my heart doesnt feel like it is coming out of my chest and I do a stationary…
Who knew?!!
Ok, so I am 45 years old and have been a yoyo dieter my whole life. I was 252 pounds on my birthday on the 4th of January and miserable because I didn't think I would ever be able to take the weight off without looking into weight loss surgery. I was convinced i was addicted to food and would never be able to starve myself…