Hi guys/girls how often do you Weigh yourself when training to lose weight? I'm thinking of once a month, or should I weigh in more frequently
Hello guys/girls im a lincolnshire Lad just getting back into fitness, it is January after all a fresh new year, no better time to start up time to lose the 1 stone put on over the Christmas period
just sending a quick message to say hi and to say hope ur all going well with ur exercise and healthy eating goals remember dont give up!! im looking to lose a stone in weight to reach my goal and be back at 12.7 witch is the weight when i was playing alot sports and hopfully can now improve my jogging and fitness and join…
are any of u lot doing the sports relief 2012 mile this year? if so whats ur location i av been jogging since start jan and getting my fitness back up after a year out and putting on a stone so hopping this site helps me to lose the extra pounds aswell as with my exercise:) im doing the cleethorpes sports relief 2012 this…
hiya all im new member on this forum and also took jogging up at the start jan as after stopping playing football last april i put on over a stone in weight and now feel its time to shift the pounds and get myself back in shape and playing sports again im currently jogging at a 8min per mile pace going out for 60mins 4…