My hubby has developed severe IBS-type symptoms over the last couple of years, and I'm convinced it comes down to his use of whey-based protein powders. So, now looking to remove excess lactose from his diet as it seems to be a huge trigger for attacks. I've been reading up on alternate solutions, and the list of…
Holy moley! Beachbody coaches are in abundance tonight! "Friend me and I can "help" you lose weight" "Join my group and I'll "help" you" "Buy my overpriced garbage please!!" Ugh.
I'm at a point where I just won't/can't/don't. I've been in this rut for about 6 months now and watching my past hard work and successes slowly disappear back into my ever-growing belly. Work has been high-stress hell for the better part of this year, home hasn't been much better. I know things will settle down again, I…
I went for my annual physical yesterday, something I've never particularly look forward to doing. Hearing how my blood pressure is rising, my weight is going to cause health problems, and my cholesterol is borderline high always fills me with dread. I haven't seen my GP since early January and the first thing she said to…
Just wondering which method is more "accurate"? I've done the calculations using the Military Body Fat Calculator and the Covert Bailey Body Fat Calculation and end up with 2 VERY different outcomes. CBBFC - 28.83% body fat MBFC - 42.83% body fat Any thoughts?