Hola! I thought introductions might be good way to start connecting :smile: My name is Ana, and I live in sunny California! I am a full time grad student, work 40 hours per week, and am finishing my thesis this semester. I am a little busy, so sometimes it's hard to motivate myself to get up and get moving. But, I realized…
Hola Mujeres! My ipod is getting boring - I need a few new songs to keep my booty shakin! Any recommendations? By the way, one of my favorites is "Camisa Negra" by Juanes. Have a good rest of the week!
Hola Mujeres! I thought it might be good to talk a bit about the goals we each have. I know that when I write things down (or share them), I feel more accountable and inspired! :heart: So, stats: starting weight: 192 current weight: 186 goal weight: 145 But more importantly, I want to feel as healthy, sexy, and confident…