Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Has anyone read this book? Hubby brought it home for me and I was hoping for a quick review before diving in. :happy:
I did it! I quit smoking. Whoa! My husband, best friend and I made a pact to quit together on August first and so far so good. I really do miss my dirty little habit, especially in the morning when I normally sneak out to the patio to have coffee and smoke before my family wakes up. But I went out with my coffee and a book…
Fizzy pickle?
I am making falafel for lunch today and I went to open a new jar of those awesome pink Lebanese turnip pickles and it seriously fizzed up for a few seconds. I have never seen that happen before! I have never bought them jarred before, only have had them in restaurants. Fizz is bad right? I'm so bummed. They smell great and…
Farmer's Market
Happy weekend! I'm off to the farmer's market this morning. Anyone else doing the same? If so, what did you score? =)
Breakfast dilemma...
Hi guys, I am in need of some fresh ideas. I have been having a hard time keeping my calories balanced throughout the day since I seem to be hungriest in the morning. That and I wake up at around 6 daily and usually don't hit the hay till around midnight. And up with baby through out the night too...sooooo sleepy, can't…
Hi everyone
I'm Michaellynn, Found this group and was instantly intrigued by the idea. Let's get to talking about it! Soooo...what's for dinner? =) I am making minestrone soup and homemade bread.
Today is the day...
32, mom of two. New baby is 1 month old today. Whoa, I am not feeling this old body of mine! Looking to reclaim the better figure I met my husband with. I can do this. I really want it and am so happy to be here.