My new doctor has done bloods, he has suggested adding LDN (Low Does Naltrexone avalaible only at compounding chemists) to my medications as it will address all my Hashimotos problems. If successful I maybe able to lower my dosage on other medications, apparently it's supposed to be a wonder drug for those of us with…
Anti Obesity Drug 9604 I am considering undergoing a course of this medication under the strict supervision of my doctor when it is legally introduced in Australia. Is there anyone in America or else where, that has heard of this drug or anyone that has used it. I know it's performance enhancing but I don't partake in any…
I can't believe it finally 5 months & I have lost 10kgs (20lbs). I couldn't have done it without My Fitness Pal App on my phone. I have learnt so much, one of the major lessons was to ensure I was getting enough vitamins. I found I was only getting about 20% of my daily requirements of iron, since supplementing my diet…