Good morning all! I was just browsing around, and I was wondering where you find your low-cal/low-fat and what not recipes? Is there like a certain cook book or website, or are you all just that imaginitive (which I wouldnt put it past anyone!) But I'd love to know so I might keep some of them around and force my boyfriend…
Has anyone ever tried belly dancing as a work out? It looks like a lot of fun, and I'd really like to try it, but I don't really know if it'll do anything, or what video to look into.
So, I didnt know where else to post this... But lately it seems like I'm afraid of the scale! I know that sounds silly, but I don't want to be one of those girls who has to weigh herself twice a day and ever half a pound i gain or lose drives me crazy (because I know it would) Anyways, with that tought in mind, I've kind…
Hi everyone! I'm Chelsea, I'm 20 years old and a full time student at a University in Wisconsin. I've been relatively the same weight since I was about 13, and I've always had body issues. Since I started college just about 2 years ago, I've been trying to go to the school gym when I could, and where I started at the most…