On my mind is.... quitting sugar. Yep, I heard about a book "I quit sugar" yesterday and started reading it. It's a 8-week program of detoxing from bad sugar. It's weird that I reached out to such a book, since I've always loved chocolate A LOT and I never believed in quitting so far. But the truth is I got scared during…
Hi all, I was looking at the exercises database and I noticed that there are some music activities listed, such as guitar, drugms, etc. playing. I am going to add singing as well, as I can assure you it IS an activity, a great one! How would you advise me to calculate the calorie lost during singing on stage? (Meaning: I…
Hello girls and guys! I am Dory, from Bulgaria. Just checked in here yesterday, hoping to lose these nasty 12 kg that bother me. (I gave up hoping I can lose more than that.) I am a singer in a rock band and I hate it when I have to chose my stage wear based on my looks, rather than based on how I think a rock girl has to…