If you are on twitter I recommend following @NavySEALPTTest. They have some very motivating tweets, usually in the mornings.
Had my physical on Tuesday and my BP is 125/83 and cholesterol is 161! This healthy living is paying off already! Almost halfway to my overall goal!
I weigh myself once a week, and took my first measurements on 4/11. How often do you take your measurements?
does anyone know of a good way to estimate this? I recently added some weight lifting and would like to get an idea of how many calories I am burning.
after 4 weeks of working on the treadmill I incorporated some weights into my routine tonight. It has been so long that I forgot how rubbery your legs can get after a good workout! Consequently, I just didn't have it tonight on the treadmill. Looking forward to improved results with the weights! Keep up the good work…