NSV - More Erect Than Ever
I've got great news, everyone! Ever since I started on an all-compound free-weight exercise routine two weeks ago, I'm finally standing up straighter than I ever have before due to all of the core strengthening. My posture has become great! So great, in fact, that my lady is no longer seeing eye-to-eye with me anymore…
Batman Obviously Has Superpowers (Spoiler Alert!)
If you've seen The Dark Knight Rises, then you know that there's some serious mysticism at work in that movie. How could Batman--a mere man!--spend 4 months with a broken spine being fed only enough green sludge to be "kept alive" retain all of his muscle mass and nutrition, train up with some pushups and pullups in less…
From "Running isn't for me.." to Run-a-Muck 5k in 6 Months
I've learned a little trick to success this year, a special move I've spammed whenever the opportunity arises: say "Yes." In January of this year, I went to an apartment party at the home of some friends I'd just made weeks prior. This journey started with me saying yes to one too many drinks, which lead to an…