Determined to keep at this, 15lbs gone but 71lbs left for my ideal ... Feeling a bit daunted and could do with inspiration as I'm 'Billy no mates' on here.
Hi, in 2012 I started using MFP and had great success ... I then lost the way, put on 15lbs and gave up! I've managed to shed the 15lbs and here I am back at the beginning, but determined to succeed this time. I'd welcome friendship from any fellow traveller on the weight loss journey - superstars and strugglers (like me).…
For the past three days I've been sucessful in keeping to my tight regime, however I did this by making a lovely pot of chilli on Monday that lasted three days. It had a load of carrot, onion, celery, kidney beans and red / yellow peppers in, plus loads of tomatoes. However if I am to believe this week's news, I a damned…
Hi, After years of wanting to loose weight so that I feel healthier and more energised again, it is time to stop finding reasons not to, and focus on shedding the pounds. I am honestly too embarassed to join a local weight loss group, so hope to pick up tips, encouragement and support on here. It feels very empowering to…