Just a friendly showing and reminder on Fruit nutrition info since fruit is more in season now :) Apple,1 raw apple with skin 81 Apricots, 3 medium 51 Avocado, 5oz or 145g 250 Banana, 1 medium 105 Blackberries, ½ cup (C) 37 Blueberries, ½ C 40 Sweet cherries, 10 49 Dried dates, 10 228 Dried figs, 10 477 Grapefruit,…
i've been eating pretty healthy and exercising for a few months, and i think i've only lost maybe lost a pound.. which seems like probably only water weight. i'm trying to lose weight faster and a lot more, not just casual slow weight. so i started counting my calories on saturday, but i still feel like it's not going to…