When to stop...
I've lost 28lbs since the end of feb and I now weigh 100lbs, which i'm really happy about :) my friends and family have been getting at me lately to stop loosing weight and just stay where i am now, I know they're being caring n all, but are they right? I wanted to lose a few more pounds but should I stay where I am now?…
Healthy diary?
Hey guys, I've been going through a bad binging period the past few weeks, managed to make it 3 days binge free though (today is my fourth) I was wondering if you could all look at my diary for the past few days and tell me if I'm eating healthy? Thanks y'all! :D
Freshers fifteen...
I'm hopefully off to University in September, I've just been reading about how most students gain 15lbs in their first year of uni and I really don't want that to happen to me! I've lost 30lbs now and I'm pretty happy with where I am now I just wouldn't be happy if I gained 15lbs... Does anyone have any tips on how to…
Before and after for short women! (with pictures)
Hey y'all. After months of hard work, blood, sweat and tears (lots of the second!) I've managed to shift 28 lbs, before this I was the most lazy unhealthy and unfit person ever and now I am completely different. I exercise, I eat right and I'm so much happier in myself. What I wanted to put these up for is to show people,…
Nights out...
Going out tomorrow night, and I don't want to drink too much but I'll probably have a few drinks. Desperately need some advice on what to drink and how to avoid the drunken munchies!!
Thinking of starting over...
I've successfully managed to lose 27lbs since Feb (yay) and part of me keeps wanting to lose more even though my BMI is 19.9 and people have told me that I don't need to lose anymore, I am pretty happy with my weight now but at the same time I'm not happy with myself... In the past couple of weeks I've had a few binging…
Guilt free desserts!
In case any of you are like me and love your dessert I thought I'd share this little gem with you :) For those in the UK that are familiar with GU desserts they've just brought out a summer fruit pudding with pims, it's only 105 calories and tastes like it should be much, much more! I would really recommend trying on of…
Can't seem to be doing anything right!
I've been on a diet now since feb but only using my fitness pal for a week or two and already lost around 18 lbs in total (I was 128 and now I'm 110) but lately I haven't been able to lose any weight - i lost another pound last week but I've managed to put it back on :/ my food diary is public, any chance someone could…
Why is it harder to run in 'real life' than on a treadmill?
for the past few weeks I've been going to the gym about 3/4 times a week and I can usually do about 5km on the treadmill in just under half an hour, but, today I decided to go for a run and after about ten minutes I was absolutely shattered! I really struggled to run ten minutes where as on the treadmill I can usually go…