Hi, I have been using this site for a while and really like it, however since Christmas I have been sticking to cals and doing British Military Training twice a week (think running round a park with an ex army instructor shouting at you). I have been really pleased with how I have been doing although am planning to up the…
Hi, I'm confused.... how can it take weeks (months even) to loose weight, but I can put as much as 5 lbs on in a couple of days of not watching what I eat!!! :explode: I have been being good since Christmas and lost circa 10 lbs, however, the past couple of weeks I have really slipt!! I did a 10k run a week ago, and…
Hi, I have joined the web site today and am really looking forward to getting started and hopefully seeing some results!! The site seems really good!! I have done my food diary today, and some exercise to earn extra calories, however.... am I supposed to eat all the calories available? I.e. if I do exercise and earn say…