Fall apple season is here, and sometimes you just want apple crisp! I can do this one safely (in 1/2-cup servings) so I pass it along: Apple Crisp for DIABETES Serves: 6 to 8 · 6 medium apples, cored, peeled and thinly sliced · 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, divided · 1 tablespoon sugar · 1/2 teaspoon ground…
I have heard about this through the grapevine, and wonder if anyone out there has ever tried this stuff, and does it taste good, does it curb sweet cravings, what's in it, etc.
I have to severely limit my intake of sugar while l'm losing weight. Figured I'd go for the fat-free yogurts etc., until I read the nutritional info. and noticed that often the fat-free version has more sugar in it than the low-fat version. So now, for example, I'm eating regular, plain Greek yogurt with only 5 g of sugar,…
Looking for great tasty ideas for adding low-fat proteins. Am Type 2 diabetic, so I really lay off the high-carb choices.